In the News: Key Trends in U.S. Fundraising

Company News
September 18, 2024

Petra Funds Group's Head Private Credit, Adam Weiss, spoke with Graeme Kerr of Private Debt Investor about the key trends shaping the U.S. fundraising environment.

In the article titled Key Trends in U.S. Fundraising, Adam discusses why the difficult fundraising environment skews the odds in favor of the largest managers. Broader economic trends related to inflation, interest rates, and even the U.S. presidential election have influenced decisions to deploy and raise capital, according to Adam.

“Investor interest has been piqued by senior secured direct lending, which tends to be attractive to insurance companies, high-net-worth individuals and registered investment advisers. That dynamic directly disadvantages smaller managers who cannot build on the same sort of existing relationships the larger managers already have.”


Read the article in the Private Debt Investor Report here.


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